Mother's Day Activity:
I love Mystery Science's Lesson, "How do flowers bloom in the spring?"
It has a beautiful blooming paper flower flower activity to go along with the lesson that makes a lovely Mother's day Card!
It has a beautiful blooming paper flower flower activity to go along with the lesson that makes a lovely Mother's day Card!
Earth Day Activities and a "Solar System Scavenger Hunt":
For this week's STEAM Lab assignment, you still only need to pick ONE S.T.E.A.M. assignment, but I am offering up a variety of extra choices to celebrate Earth Day.
You may choose from some of the Earth Day coloring sheets I added to Teams, or choose from the many assignment suggestions I have already posted, or just show us what S.T.E.A.M. projects you are already working on!
Our next STEAM day is Friday, May 1st, so in 7 Special Area days from today, you can show us your progress on a project you are working on or you may show us a brand new project you are working on!
If you download the SkyView® Lite App and after giving it a test run you find you want to take it further you may:
Click Here to either print the worksheet and color in the planets you found with the app --or you can color them in online HERE!
You may click HERE to watch the video about the size of the universe, from right down at the subatomic level to the intergalactic scale.
If you'd like to find out when the ISS is visible in your area-- you may want to download an app to track it-- or you can use their "Spot the Station" Website.
If you'd really like to go in deep with a critical thinking activity that I often do with students in the S.T.E.A.M. lab, you might want to Click Here and give all that a try.
Have fun! and "Keep Looking Up!" ...P.S. Ask your grandparents if they remember the great video series by Jack Horkheimer??
They have a new version , but I still miss Jack.)
You may choose from some of the Earth Day coloring sheets I added to Teams, or choose from the many assignment suggestions I have already posted, or just show us what S.T.E.A.M. projects you are already working on!
Our next STEAM day is Friday, May 1st, so in 7 Special Area days from today, you can show us your progress on a project you are working on or you may show us a brand new project you are working on!
If you download the SkyView® Lite App and after giving it a test run you find you want to take it further you may:
Click Here to either print the worksheet and color in the planets you found with the app --or you can color them in online HERE!
You may click HERE to watch the video about the size of the universe, from right down at the subatomic level to the intergalactic scale.
If you'd like to find out when the ISS is visible in your area-- you may want to download an app to track it-- or you can use their "Spot the Station" Website.
If you'd really like to go in deep with a critical thinking activity that I often do with students in the S.T.E.A.M. lab, you might want to Click Here and give all that a try.
Have fun! and "Keep Looking Up!" ...P.S. Ask your grandparents if they remember the great video series by Jack Horkheimer??
They have a new version , but I still miss Jack.)
Binary Egg Initials:
Fill in the eggs of the on the worksheet below to match the patterns in the alphabet squares for each of your initials.
Click here to see's "Binary Bracelets" activity we have done in class.
And you can find out more about Binary coding in prior lessons used in the STEAM Lab here.
Click here to see's "Binary Bracelets" activity we have done in class.
And you can find out more about Binary coding in prior lessons used in the STEAM Lab here.
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S.T.E.A.M. Activities you can try at home!
4th quarter 2020- STEAM Lab assignments for all my students:
All grades please use the .pdf below to see 25 STEAM project choice squares and click this link for 50 additional STEAM project choices.
Choose at least 1 out of these 75 choices per week. OR- ask me if a project you are working on at home would count as your STEAM Lab project!!!
You can do these by yourself or with your family.
I can't wait to see pictures or videos of what you choose to make or do!
You may post/send your pictures and videos in many ways:
"STEAM Lab Chat" channel within your grade level Special Area MS Team
Jupiter Ed.
Burns Sci Tech STEAM Lab's Facebook page
Please explore and attempt at least 1 STEAM Lab activity per the 7-day Special Area Rotation schedule (you may do more if you want).
You may even choose to complete the same choices each week if you find something you enjoy, and it takes time to build upon.
There are no wrong answers through exploration --only discovery! --
***Your MAIN GOAL is to think about how things are made and how things might work together.
Use our Engineering Design Process for every project! : Plan, Create, Test, Ask, and Collaborate!
*NOTE! * If you don't want to share your video or picture with others let me know, and I won't unlock or share it for others to see.
Have fun, May the FORCE be with Y'all, Stay Safe, and WASH YOUR HANDS!
Note: The activities in the document below were inspired by and adapted from mechanical engineer and Outschool Instructor, Lindsey Nelson.
All grades please use the .pdf below to see 25 STEAM project choice squares and click this link for 50 additional STEAM project choices.
Choose at least 1 out of these 75 choices per week. OR- ask me if a project you are working on at home would count as your STEAM Lab project!!!
You can do these by yourself or with your family.
I can't wait to see pictures or videos of what you choose to make or do!
You may post/send your pictures and videos in many ways:
"STEAM Lab Chat" channel within your grade level Special Area MS Team
Jupiter Ed.
Burns Sci Tech STEAM Lab's Facebook page
Please explore and attempt at least 1 STEAM Lab activity per the 7-day Special Area Rotation schedule (you may do more if you want).
You may even choose to complete the same choices each week if you find something you enjoy, and it takes time to build upon.
There are no wrong answers through exploration --only discovery! --
***Your MAIN GOAL is to think about how things are made and how things might work together.
Use our Engineering Design Process for every project! : Plan, Create, Test, Ask, and Collaborate!
*NOTE! * If you don't want to share your video or picture with others let me know, and I won't unlock or share it for others to see.
Have fun, May the FORCE be with Y'all, Stay Safe, and WASH YOUR HANDS!
Note: The activities in the document below were inspired by and adapted from mechanical engineer and Outschool Instructor, Lindsey Nelson.
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Learn how to code!
CLICK HERE to use this Google Doodle Coding Game, and it will teach you how to use "Block Coding Language" to program an animated bunny to collect carrots.
Give it a try and pay attention to the direction in which the bunny needs to follow!
If you become desperately stuck and need a helping walk-through, you can cheat by watching the video here.
Give it a try and pay attention to the direction in which the bunny needs to follow!
If you become desperately stuck and need a helping walk-through, you can cheat by watching the video here.
JediJill's Custom Robot Club Battles!
6pm to 8pm in the cafeteria
The Bracket for STEAM Night 2020- Custom Robot Battles!
Camp Invention is cancelled this summer!
Camp was cancelled this summer. Please call Camp is only open to BST Students and families of BST staff.
Camp Invention is coming to Burns Science and Technology School!
In partnership with the National Inventors Hall of Fame® (NIHF), BST is pleased to offer the nationally acclaimed Camp Invention® program to children entering grades K through 6th.
This exciting, weeklong summer adventure provides lessons that explore connections between science, technology, engineering and innovation.
Children rotate through several hands-on activities each day while using teamwork, creative thinking and problem-solving skills to invent unique solutions to real-world challenges.
The week begins on June 15, 2020 with JediJill Mucci serving as Director of the all-new 2020 program, Elevate!
During this program, young innovators will:
Traditional program hours are 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Exciting news for this location - we are offering an optional Extended Day experience!
This extended program will run from 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM for an additional registration cost of $80 per week.
Register using promo code ELEVATE25 to save $25 (expires 3/31) or ELEVATE15 to save $15 (expires 5/12) off the [Base Price] registration fee. Availability is limited.
or call 800-968-4332 to secure your child’s spot today!
In partnership with the National Inventors Hall of Fame® (NIHF), BST is pleased to offer the nationally acclaimed Camp Invention® program to children entering grades K through 6th.
This exciting, weeklong summer adventure provides lessons that explore connections between science, technology, engineering and innovation.
Children rotate through several hands-on activities each day while using teamwork, creative thinking and problem-solving skills to invent unique solutions to real-world challenges.
The week begins on June 15, 2020 with JediJill Mucci serving as Director of the all-new 2020 program, Elevate!
During this program, young innovators will:
- Build a cityscape out of upcycled materials, navigate planes through a storm and take apart a robot they’ll bring home at the end of the program.
- Learn the value of their creativity as they sketch and build prototypes, design logos, market their invention and protect their intellectual property.
- Collaborate and discover solutions to protect the Earth’s ecosystems as they compete in zipline races, explore energy conservation and help wildlife habitats.
- Discover the great inventors behind their favorite sports, play high-energy games and design the ultimate sports complex.
Traditional program hours are 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Exciting news for this location - we are offering an optional Extended Day experience!
This extended program will run from 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM for an additional registration cost of $80 per week.
Register using promo code ELEVATE25 to save $25 (expires 3/31) or ELEVATE15 to save $15 (expires 5/12) off the [Base Price] registration fee. Availability is limited.
or call 800-968-4332 to secure your child’s spot today!
CUstom Robot Workshop-
Nov. 18th through March 2, 2020:
Workshop will be held on Monday's from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Next workshop after this one will be held in May 2020, dates and times TBA.
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Mystery Career Video Chat!
Please click here to sign up for a chance to participate in my Mystery Career video chat!
4th - 6th Grade Field Trip Opportunity:
Hello 4th – 6th grade students,
We are sending home information about a Field trip opportunity June 8th – 11th, 2020---just for you. The Envelopes have all the information your family needs to check out this amazing trip! These envelopes are to go home with you today!
Please watch this video—
Then please fill in -or- check the back of your envelope to make sure the following information is written on the lines and under the last line in the open space--- write--- “4th – 6th grades are invited!”:
Teacher’s Name: JediJill Mucci
Meeting Date: 9/5/19
Time and Location: STEAM Lab 6 to 6:30pm
4th - 6th grades invited!
We are sending home information about a Field trip opportunity June 8th – 11th, 2020---just for you. The Envelopes have all the information your family needs to check out this amazing trip! These envelopes are to go home with you today!
Please watch this video—
Then please fill in -or- check the back of your envelope to make sure the following information is written on the lines and under the last line in the open space--- write--- “4th – 6th grades are invited!”:
Teacher’s Name: JediJill Mucci
Meeting Date: 9/5/19
Time and Location: STEAM Lab 6 to 6:30pm
4th - 6th grades invited!
want to build your own
"insect - antweight class" robot
After School?
I highly recommend 1lb antweight "Viper" kits from Fingertech robotics!
These kits are an excellent way to get hands-on minds-on learning, and the kits have many options for creative modifications.
If you want to purchase a complete kit with radio and charger the current cost is $ 238.00USD plus shipping. Fingertech Viper Kits!
BotKits is another great competitive kit to help you get started in the sport.
For Sumo Competitions you might do well with a kit like this, Black Magic Mini Sumo Robot Kit (Full Kit - Not Assembled)
If you purchase any combat or Sumo robot kit and want to bring it to the lab, I can teach you how to build it, and offer tips for competing, and you can use it in the lab to practice.
Our practice table is a 7'x4' "sportsman arena" for 1 pound robots
NOTE: We currently cannot use any spinning weapons --only wedges and lifters.
So, if you purchase any spinner type add-ons we won't be able to test it without a polycarbonate safety enclosure, which we do not YET have in the lab.
I can help you build them, but we won't be able to test those...YET.
STEAM Lab Polycarb Test Box build is imminent!
If you want to bring a kit or the parts listed below to make a kit----
Classes will be held:
Wednesday’s from 3:00 to 5:00pm
Monday’s from 3:00 to 4:00pm
And on Friday October 4th from 3:00 to 5:00pm
Viper Kits can be found here:
And Sumo Kits can be found here:…
You can come watch them compete against other robots at the VMA robot brawl October 5th.
Simple Components needed to build a simple wedge flipper:
battery charger
speed controllers
power switch
weapon servo
motor mounts
If you have any of the following tools and/or supplies, please bring them to class too.
Safety Glasses
General Repair Hand Tool Set with Toolbox
Face Masks to cover nose & mouth
Soldering iron
Soldering Helping hands
Lead free, acid free --rosin core soldering wire
Brass Tip Cleaner
Wire strippers
Side cutting pliers/snips
Needle Nose Pliers
Allen wrench set
Screwdriver set
Drill with screw and drill bits
Heat Shrink
Heat Gun
Glue Gun and Glue sticks that fit the gun
Electrical Tape
Duct Tape
Locktite Threadlock
Extension Cord
Dremel with cutting, sanding and grinding disks
Plus Other items I can't think of ----right now ----I will add to the list.
**I am just trying to get students involved in the sport and would love to have any help I can get!
These kits are an excellent way to get hands-on minds-on learning, and the kits have many options for creative modifications.
If you want to purchase a complete kit with radio and charger the current cost is $ 238.00USD plus shipping. Fingertech Viper Kits!
BotKits is another great competitive kit to help you get started in the sport.
For Sumo Competitions you might do well with a kit like this, Black Magic Mini Sumo Robot Kit (Full Kit - Not Assembled)
If you purchase any combat or Sumo robot kit and want to bring it to the lab, I can teach you how to build it, and offer tips for competing, and you can use it in the lab to practice.
Our practice table is a 7'x4' "sportsman arena" for 1 pound robots
NOTE: We currently cannot use any spinning weapons --only wedges and lifters.
So, if you purchase any spinner type add-ons we won't be able to test it without a polycarbonate safety enclosure, which we do not YET have in the lab.
I can help you build them, but we won't be able to test those...YET.
STEAM Lab Polycarb Test Box build is imminent!
If you want to bring a kit or the parts listed below to make a kit----
Classes will be held:
Wednesday’s from 3:00 to 5:00pm
Monday’s from 3:00 to 4:00pm
And on Friday October 4th from 3:00 to 5:00pm
Viper Kits can be found here:
And Sumo Kits can be found here:…
You can come watch them compete against other robots at the VMA robot brawl October 5th.
Simple Components needed to build a simple wedge flipper:
battery charger
speed controllers
power switch
weapon servo
motor mounts
If you have any of the following tools and/or supplies, please bring them to class too.
Safety Glasses
General Repair Hand Tool Set with Toolbox
Face Masks to cover nose & mouth
Soldering iron
Soldering Helping hands
Lead free, acid free --rosin core soldering wire
Brass Tip Cleaner
Wire strippers
Side cutting pliers/snips
Needle Nose Pliers
Allen wrench set
Screwdriver set
Drill with screw and drill bits
Heat Shrink
Heat Gun
Glue Gun and Glue sticks that fit the gun
Electrical Tape
Duct Tape
Locktite Threadlock
Extension Cord
Dremel with cutting, sanding and grinding disks
Plus Other items I can't think of ----right now ----I will add to the list.
**I am just trying to get students involved in the sport and would love to have any help I can get!
The STEAM Lab will be hosting the
Dash and Dot Robot Fashion show
again this year:
Our first robot fashion show was in the 2016-2017 school year.
This year, it's BACK, and students will create and present a new fashion show for our robots.
Each team will choose a theme, design a costume, cut the fabric, then dress and test their designs.
Students will be using computer code to program their robots to roll down the runway, turn around, and roll back down-- all while wearing their designs.
Student teams pick their themes and music, and use code to program the lights, sounds, and code a fabulous runway walk.
In addition, teams of students will narrate the shows and critique the designs.
Some students will also be writing and creating commercials for their theme.
I can't wait to see what our BST Eagles dream up this year!
Robot Fashion shows will be held this December, the week before winter break, in the STEAM Lab!
Get ready to WORK it! --It's going to be FABULOUS!
This year, it's BACK, and students will create and present a new fashion show for our robots.
Each team will choose a theme, design a costume, cut the fabric, then dress and test their designs.
Students will be using computer code to program their robots to roll down the runway, turn around, and roll back down-- all while wearing their designs.
Student teams pick their themes and music, and use code to program the lights, sounds, and code a fabulous runway walk.
In addition, teams of students will narrate the shows and critique the designs.
Some students will also be writing and creating commercials for their theme.
I can't wait to see what our BST Eagles dream up this year!
Robot Fashion shows will be held this December, the week before winter break, in the STEAM Lab!
Get ready to WORK it! --It's going to be FABULOUS!
The S.T.E.A.M. Lab is gearing up for Deep Space!
S.T.E.A.m. Lab Rubrics:
steamlabrubrics-year2019-2020-complete.docx | |
File Size: | 59 kb |
File Type: | docx |