Choose from the talks linked below:
If you are using an iPad---
Click Here and choose a MINIMUM of 5 Ted Talks to watch completely.
You get to pick which 5 videos you want to watch.
If you are using an iPad**** Some videos may not play.
Keep trying videos until it stops saying, "restricted."
Here are some more cool videos to try:
1-This Adam Savage one is pretty cool!
2-I haven't watched this one yet. You watch it tell me if you think I should check it out!
3-I haven't watched this one either. Let me know if I should.
4-Reverse Engineering is an awesome way to learn how things work. I haven't watched this one, is it any good?
5-This one is about GERMS! I have a cold right now! How did I get this BOTPOX!
Next, choose ONE from among the Talks, the one you believe you learned something interesting from that you did not know about previously.
(Choose wisely, If you can't handle this, then you will have to complete a sheet for all 5 Talks.)
Get a Ted Talk sheet and a pencil, put your name on the paper, and complete the questions in the grid--- #1 - 8.
Answer questions in complete sentences where appropriate. Explain something new or interesting you learned.
If you run out of space use the back of your sheet.
Check to make sure your name is on your paper, and turn it in before leaving class.
Thank you!
Click Here and choose a MINIMUM of 5 Ted Talks to watch completely.
You get to pick which 5 videos you want to watch.
If you are using an iPad**** Some videos may not play.
Keep trying videos until it stops saying, "restricted."
Here are some more cool videos to try:
1-This Adam Savage one is pretty cool!
2-I haven't watched this one yet. You watch it tell me if you think I should check it out!
3-I haven't watched this one either. Let me know if I should.
4-Reverse Engineering is an awesome way to learn how things work. I haven't watched this one, is it any good?
5-This one is about GERMS! I have a cold right now! How did I get this BOTPOX!
Next, choose ONE from among the Talks, the one you believe you learned something interesting from that you did not know about previously.
(Choose wisely, If you can't handle this, then you will have to complete a sheet for all 5 Talks.)
Get a Ted Talk sheet and a pencil, put your name on the paper, and complete the questions in the grid--- #1 - 8.
Answer questions in complete sentences where appropriate. Explain something new or interesting you learned.
If you run out of space use the back of your sheet.
Check to make sure your name is on your paper, and turn it in before leaving class.
Thank you!